SS technologies 247 privacy policy is wholly committed to safeguarding user data. Despite us asking for identifiable insights, every detail is kept confidential and adheres to the existing privacy statement.
How we Approach privacy?
For us, privacy is all about protecting the identity of the user. We offer complete disclosure of the privacy norms, and even request our visitors to read the same, carefully. We also provide all the details regarding the way user information might be used, based on the usage patterns and specific preferences.
Compliance with Regulatory Guidelines
Each one of our services adheres to the strict international regulatory guidelines where we safeguard user data and even intimate the users in case an accidental breach is encountered.
What information do we collect?
SS technologies 247 collects information based on the level of user interaction. For guest users, we only collect email IDs, whereas our registered users need to fill out the complete name and email address. As a client, you need to accept the terms and conditions of our privacy policy before moving ahead with the service catalog and interactions.
We only collect name, organization name, if applicable, address, email address, phone number, web address, and description of business for all the concerned services.
Saving your Personal Information
Your personal information is saved on a unified and highly secured organizational database that is encrypted using the highest possible technological standards. No way do we share the information with any third-party, without your consent.
How do we use personal information? (Same as use of your information)
The collected user information is only used to contact the user, and we refrain from sharing the same with any third-party source. Even if we ask you to provide any identifiable information, you can be assured that the same is being used according to the existing privacy statement.
In most cases, we deploy the acquired information only to respond to your queries, send across different offers, help understand your preferences better, monitor page views, and even aggregate the data safely using SEO and SEM tools for search engine analysis.
Regulations for Submitting User-Generated generated content
We wish to notify you that if a user submits content to our website, specific insights like name and email address are displayed. The user also needs to abide by legal compliance, copyright claims, and customer service, if any.
This clause has been added to keep a tab on the submission of plagiarized and non-syndicated content to any of our webpages.
Our Approach towards Cookies
Once a user visits our site, the browser installs a tracking cookie, using which we can track the previous interactions and usage patterns, thereby improving the online experience of the user. The only reason why we use the cookie is to help track how you interact with the website. This way, it becomes easier for us to showcase the best offers and services, based on your preferences, every time you visit our website.
How do we link other websites?
If a user gets redirected to any other website upon clicking an external link, he or she needs to adhere to the privacy policies of the concerned site.
Our Commitment to Data and Information Security
We value user consent and implement high-end security standards to make sure that browsing is a pleasurable and secure experience. However, for external IP related threats, we do not take any responsibility as no activity over the internet is cent percent safe.
We keep making sure that every website element adheres to the data accuracy standards and even the personal user information is processed with accuracy and according to the best interest of the customer. We incorporate managerial, electronic, and physical security standards for protecting every bit of your data while ensuring correct usage.
Copyright abuse
Submitting plagiarised content or matter to our website qualifies as copyright abuse and is subject to legal proceedings.
Children’s Privacy and Our Commitment
None of our advertised or project material collects children’s information or commercializes services for them.
Acceptance towards the Policy
We urge visitors to read through the entire privacy module and understand every term there is, before associating with us. We are very particular about our privacy terms and ask the clients to accept the terms only if they are cent percent sure of adherence.
Use of Terms
We have used some terms like “Paytm”, “Make my trip”, “Goibibo”, etc in all of our scripts just to explain our services in a better way. But these terms are in no way connected to our services. We are not part of Paytm, Make my trip, Gobibo, or any other company/organisation. Our objective of using these terms is just illustrative and we wish to cause no harm to any company by using these terms.
Trademark legal notice
All product names, company names, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. We are not harming any rights by using these terms in our scripts. Just to explain with more clarity to users, we have simplified the content. All company names, products, and services names used in this website are only for clarity and proper identification of purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks, services, and brands does not implicit approval.
Changes to policy
We might change any or all of our mentioned policies based on international standards, without intimating users beforehand. We make frequent amendments, and it is advisable to keep checking the page for changes.
If you have doubts regarding any policy or you want additional information regarding the same, reach us @